Monday, June 1, 2009

Last Couple of months (Sorry so long)

In April we went to a surprise baby shower for Justin's sister Melisa in Utah. While we were there we were able to go visit Temple Square. The girls loved it. This is a picture of Melisa and her baby Ryker.

Brigham has such a cute smile

We tried feeding Brigham some cereal because he stopped sleeping through the night and he hated it. So we have not given it to him again.
The joy of Summer time. The girls love the trampoline, then we put a sprinkler under and they thought they were in Heaven.

Brigham loves the Jumper.


charm said...

So cute!! I love Brigham's smile too... he looks so much like Loryn to me! I love all your family pics too!

Poe said...

omigosh he's getting so darn cute. He's looking more like Abby in those pictures. It's so weird to see this little person in your family that I don't know. And it's weird to see you with a boy. We are missing you guys now that we are back in St Louis. Oh this is April by the way. I'm signed in from another blog. HOpe all is well.

Amen Family said...

Brigham is getting so big! He is dang cute. They all are. I bet they are so excitted for summer. Micah & Asher won't come inside. We should go to the Zoo or something sometime.

JONES GANG!!! said...

way cute. so we are in Rexburg now, and waiting on our license. How is the Chiropractic business coming? i hope you guys are doing well with it. let me know how you are and we can keep in touch.